Plánované odchovy/planned litters

"vrh F"

Jupii...Snad ani slovy popspat nemuzu jakou u nas dnes mame radost, a to hned dvounasobnou!!!
Prvni prisla odpoledne od Hanky Fiserove a to ze Arky a nas Capu budou rodici. 
Ta druha pro nas skoro az nauveritelna, a o to vetsi, nas cekala vecer u naseho veterinare.
Po mnoha nezdarenych pokusech, ocekavani, spoustu najetych kilometrech a nase 'Zloba' Cinderella konecne BREZI!!!
Ac to tentokrat bylo o to komplikovanejsi, vse zle se zda byt pro neco dobre..:) 
Puvodne jsme pul roku dopredu domluvily kryti s jinym psem, ale majitele na posledni chvili, v dobe harani nasi Cinderelly, kryti odrekly ac jsme jim nabizely ruzne varianty. 

Proto jsme na posledni chvili musely shanet noveho kryciho psa, a vyrizovat potrebne dokumenty.
Takto na posledni chvili jsme se dohodly s nasi znamou Elke, ktera byla velice ochotna, na kryti jejim psem Feyoka-Washao vom Roten Schopf.
A jak jsem jiz psala, vse zle je pro neco dobre.. kryti probehlo ukazkove, ve chvilce bylo nakryto.
A nase Cinderella se nyni konecne muze pripravovat na to byt maminkou!!!! ♥

Takze nase chovatelska stanice Vanika vom Bauernhof ocekava vrh "F" na konci mesice dubna. 

Po fence InterCh. Multi.Ch Cinderella Vanika vom Bauernhof (HD A, LPN1+2 N/N, eyes clear without defects)
a psovi Bundesjugendsieger 2013, Herbstjugendsieger 2013 Feyoka-Washao vom Roten Schopf (HD B, LPN1+2 N/N) 


Yupeee ..I cannot express how happy we are..!!! 
After many unsuccessful attempts and waiting, many kilometers in car etc.. our Cinderella is finally PREGNANT !!! 
This time, it was little bit complicated, we agreed with someone half year before on a mating, but in the last minute when our Cinderella was in heat they refused, even tough they agreed long time before..
So we needed to search urgently for a new possible partner for our Cinderella, as we already tried many times and we traveled far we was giving this mating last possible chance.
So in the last minute we agreed with our friend ELKE owner of 'daddy to be' Feyoka-Washao vom Roten Schopf!Elke was very nice and waited us in few days.

I think that everything bad is probably good for something, because even that we had hard times to do all the paperwork in short time and had other obstacles, we mated successfully with Washao without any problem, first mating was ready in not even 5 minutes..:))
And our Cinderella is finally preparing to be mommy! ♥

So kennel Vanika vom Bauernhof is expecting litter "F" in the end of the April 

after Interchampion and Multi.Ch Cinderella Vanika vom Bauernhof
and Bundesjugendsieger 2013, Herbstjugendsieger 2013 Feyoka-Washao vom Roten Schopf
tatinek planovaneho vrhu Feyoka-Washao
maminka Cinderella